Refund Policy


Refund Policy

Refund and Cancellations:

If a customer buys any service/contract she/he can cancel this service within 3 days. After cancellation, the company will refund money after deducting service charge. Customer cancelling service mid-term will be charged fully. Please send an email to or call +1 213 478 4040 to cancel the service.

After review and if approved your account will be refunded and credit will be issued which shall be on your credit statement within 5 to 7 working days. An Accounts services agent will contact you to confirm receipt of the e-mail via e-mail or via phone.

In order to submit the cancellation request please do provide:

Your Full Name

Your Full Address

Contact Phone Number

Date of Service provided 

Legal Disclaimer

Camservice is an independent service company, “Camservice is privately owned and is neither operated by, nor affiliated with, any brands”. It provides cctv services to small companies and individuals. We are unique because we are specialized in products from a wide variety. Camservice has no affiliation with any third-party companies. Camservice team has expertise in cctv cameras but do not necessarily hold any certifications from any third party unless expressly specified.

The Camservice Portal and all content provided on the site are provided on “as is” and “as available” basis, except where expressly provided otherwise. Camservice expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind to the fullest extent allowable by applicable law, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, with respect to the Camservice website and all content provided on or through the Camservice website. makes no representations or warranties as to:

The Camservice website or its Content will meet your requirements;

The accuracy, reliability or quality of the results that may be obtained from the use of the website, its Content, or anything obtained by you on the Camservice website or its Content will meet your expectations. Camservice Website makes no representations or warranties that the Website will be available on a timely, continuous, secure or error-free basis. Any Content accessed, or otherwise obtained on or through the use of the site should be used at your own discretion.